Take part in the DIGIT-PRE Match Making Week to find the perfect partner for you!

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You are still looking for a partner to apply to the DIGIT-PRE Open Call? Take part to our DIGIT-PRE Match Making Week!

Come and listen to the pitch of 25 companies who are also looking for a partner! This is a great opportunity for startups within DIGIT-PRE to get to know each other and form potential partnerships 

This Match Making Week will be held from 23rd – 27th of October.

How to take part to the Match Making Week?

  • How to log in? The same Zoom-link (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8840401094?pwd=eDRxa3VlMDhLNWl3YmVSU3ZBOHhydz09) will be used for all timeslots during the whole week. You will be able to drop in at the timeslot where the company you are interested in presents. 
  • Listen to the pitches. This will give you a chance to meet the SMEs you might be interested in. 
  • You are welcome to stay and listen to as many pitches as you want to. 
  • Remember – you might be meeting your potential next partner!  

For any questions, don´t hesitate to contact Aldo Vermiglio: aldo.vermiglio@innovationskane.com