DIGIT-PRE Open Innovation Space 2023 : The Challenge Day of the Health Cluster Portugal

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We are excited to announce that Health Cluster Portugal hosted The Open Innovation Space Challenges event on February 1st bringing together academia, innovators and healthcare professionals to collaborate and discuss the challenges of the post-COVID world.  

The event was part of the DIGIT-PRE project, which focuses on delivering prevention, prediction, and remote care solutions through a resilient EU value network to reduce health system stressors. 

The meeting was attended by 32 participants representing 26 Institutions, including Hospitals, Academic Institutions, Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) Organizations, and companies from the Norte region (NUTS II) of Portugal. The diversity of backgrounds and expertise that these participants brought helped to generate the challenges that will serve as support for the development of innovative and effective solutions for the post-COVID world. 

The selected challenges will be converted into Open-Calls to which startups and SMEs from the project partners’ regions, including the Norte region of Portugal, will be able to apply in international micro-consortia to access an acceleration program of the DIGIT-PRE project. 

We encourage startups and SMEs to apply for the Open-Calls and join this Acceleration Program to develop their solutions further. 

Follow us at DIGIT-PRE and be part of a community of innovators and professionals who are making a difference in the world.  

We look forward to seeing you here!